In advance of the February 2022 Convocation, FOLA, The Advocates’ Society, the Toronto Lawyers Association, and Family Lawyers Association have issued a Joint Communiqué on the LSO’s FLSP licencing Report to Convocation in response to the LSO’s Report on Family Legal Services Provider Licence.
The LSO has received input from various stakeholders across the justice sector (including from FOLA) and now think this requires consideration. As a result, the Access to Justice Committee Report on the FLSP Licence will not be on the agenda for the meeting of Convocation on February 24, 2022. The LSO will be considering next steps and how best to move access to legal services forward and will share further updates as they move ahead.
In June 2020, the Law Society’s Access to Justice Committee invited lawyers, paralegals, legal organizations and members of the public to provide comments on a FLSP Licensing model.
The proposed scope of permissible activities, required competencies and outline of the training program were detailed in the Access to Justice Committee: Family Legal Services Provider Licence Consultation Paper.
Following extensive consultations with Law Association members, FOLA presented the Law Society with our Submission on November 30, 2020.